Wednesday, December 17, 2008


What makes something local? It seems as time goes on, the range of local has been expanded. Centuries ago, most people never traveled outside a five mile radius from their homes their entire lives, and they probably didn't consider anything outside their small community to be local. With advancements in transportation, the range of local has increased. People began to identify their local with their city, not just their neighborhood; their state, not just their city; and so on. Now things can be transported to anywhere from anywhere on the globe. Is globalization a product of growing and merging locals? Is globalization a way of localizing everything? Will the day come when we identify our local as our planet, or even our solar system?


  1. I do feel that globalization is a product of growing and merging locals, and I do feel that everything will become local at some point. Instead of seeing globalization as a negative, I see it as a positive because eventually, every local culture will be seen inernationally in some way. This could never be possible had globalization not existed. However, we have to find other forms of life other than our own in order for this idea to include our solar system, but you never know.

  2. I feel that globalization has is positives and negatives; however, I don't feel that every local culture will be seen internationally. I feel that many local cultures will be left out because of lack of something to contribute, and I believe that the ones that do contribute will be (or already are) diluted with each other so much that it's a new way of life for everyone which displaces the old ways. New rituals replace traditional rituals. Instead of local cultures being easily identified globally, I feel that they will be more difficult to trace, even in there place of origin. The old rituals will become foolish activities practiced by the elderly. Eventually they will be lost. Globalization. Things will be the same around the globe.
